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On Christmas Eve, CHP Officer Andrew Camilleri Senior was killed in the line of duty. Officer Camilleri’s cruiser was struck by a drunk driver while parked on the side of the freeway. Officer Camilleri is survived by his wife and 3 children. He, along with his wife and sister are members CFT Fitness (CrossFit Tracy).
Please consider donating by visiting this website
On Saturday 1/6/18 at 10am BoxFit Elite Training ( 811 West Fremont Street Stockton,CA 95203) will honor the life and sacrifice of Officer Camilleri by completing a workout named in his memory. We encourage the entire Local CENTRAL VALLEY Community to come out and participate in this workout. #CamWOD
3 Rounds
400m Run
12 Pull Ups
300m Run
24 Air Squats
200m Run
17 Push Ups
100m Run
33 Abmat Sit-ups
*Rx must use Weighted Vest 20#/14#